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Classroom experience

Knowledge is Power


Network Attacks, Computer Crime, and Hacking

Encompasses in-depth exploration of various methods for attacking and defending a network. Explores network security concepts from the viewpoint hackers and their attack methodologies. Includes topics about hackers, attacks, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) malicious code, computer crime and industrial espionage

CYSE 301

Cyber Techniques and Operations

This course focuses on tools and techniques involved in real-world cyber operations. It provides a broad range of cybersecurity concepts and essential hands-on training for students who want to become cybersecurity professionals. Students will learn the basic cybersecurity discipline, underline the model computing environment, and practice different tools and strategies to perform cyber attacks and defense operations.

CS 463

Crytography for Cybersecurity

This course covers mathematical foundations, including information theory, number theory, factoring, and prime number generation; cryptographic protocols, including basic building blocks and protocols; cryptographic techniques, including key generation and key management, and applications; and cryptographic algorithms--DES, AES, stream ciphers, hash functions, digital signatures.


C++ Programming I

​This course instruction in fundamental of object-oriented programming using C.  This course emphasizes program construction, algorithm development, coding, debugging, and documentation of C applications.  Recommended prerequisite: ITP 100 or ITP 102


Network Security Basics

Provides instruction in the basics of network security in depth. Includes security objectives, security architecture, security models and security layers; risk management, network security policy, and security training. Includes the give security keys, confidentiality integrity, availability, accountability and auditability.

CYSE 406

Cyber Law

This course tackles two major cyber law subjects. The first part of the course examines various U.S. laws and legal considerations that impact the digital and cyberspace worlds from traditional civil, and to a lesser extent, traditional criminal perspectives. The second part will familiarize cyber operations professionals about the extent of and limitations on their authorities to ensure operations in cyberspace are in compliance with U.S. law, regulations, directives and policies. 

CS 464

Networked Systems Security

Authentication in cyber systems including password-based, address-based, biometrics-based, and SSO systems; Authorization and accounting in cyber systems; Securing wired and wireless networks; Secured applications including secure e-mail services, secure web services, and secure e-commerce applications; Security and privacy in cloud environments.

CYSE 270

Linux System for Cybersecurity

This course introduces the basic operations in major Linux distros for cybersecurity using both graphical interface and command line interface. Students will learn about the basic installation and configuration, file systems management, shell scripts, and user authentication in Linux systems. This course is the technical base for students to take cybersecurity major courses.

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